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Your education journey

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Education Providers

Geelong is fortunate to have so many quality educational institutions that are registered with the Government to offer courses to international students. Whatever stage you are on your educational journey there are many options to choose from.

  • Private Higher Education College

    Private Higher Education College

    Providing higher education for post-secondary students, qualifications range from certificates to bachelor degrees. Marcus Oldham College graduates commence careers in agriculture or para-professional roles. Deakin College students pathway into the second year of Deakin bachelor degrees.

  • TAFE


    Providing vocational training that focuses on hands-on learning, qualifications offered include certificates, through to advanced diplomas, as well as apprenticeships and traineeships. Graduate students commence careers in trades or para-professional roles, or pathway to university.

  • University


    Providing higher education for post-secondary students, qualifications range from bachelor degrees to post graduate doctoral degrees. Graduates are highly skilled to work in a diverse range of academic, professional and research roles.

Australian Qualifications Framework

The Australian education system is a national policy that covers qualifications from the tertiary education sector (higher education and vocational education and training) in addition to the school-leaving certificate; the Senior Secondary Certificate of Education. This is known as the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

The AQF has 10 levels and links school, vocational and university education qualifications into one national system. This allows you to move easily from one level of study to the next, and from one institution to another, as long as you satisfy student visa requirements. It allows for choice and flexibility in career planning. All qualifications in the AQF help prepare you for both further study and your working life.

Our institutions are linked across the country and across the world, which makes it easy to move throughout the education system between courses or institutions and formal agreement and recognition frameworks mean every step of the path will contribute to your future no matter what your study or career goals.


Multiple study pathways and exit points exist between secondary school, TAFE and university. Each stage of study brings its own qualification and can be the completion of your studies, or it can provide a pathway onto the next stage.

Your current year and skill level will determine what course level or institution you are eligible to apply for. Where you finish will depend on the career outcomes you’re hoping to achieve.


  • Student Events and Activities

    Student Events and Activities

     Upcoming Events...

    Study Geelong and The Lounge End of Year celebration

    Halloween End of Year Party

    There'll be spooky activities, prizes for scary costumes and food to gnaw and chew on!
    Come along and bring your friends!


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  • Student Resources

    Student Resources

    Where can I get help with......

    Browse the Study Geelong student resources for international students.

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  • Are you the next Study Geelong Ambassadors for 2025?

    Are you the next Study Geelong Ambassadors for 2025?

    Are you our next Study Geelong ambassadors for 2025?

    If you love to explore more of Geelong and The Bellarine, get to know other international students and help share your adventures on social media, then becoming an ambassador might be for you!

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Student Stories

  • Yakubu Daffi

    The Gordon Institute of TAFE

    The Gordon Institute of TAFE was a study destination that I decided on hesitantly. Being a TAFE, I felt the practical approach and real experience would help me further my studies and career path.

    The Gordon has surpassed all expectations.
    At this stage, I can look back on that decision and confidently say I have no regrets whatsoever.

    The teachers are a great asset. The amount of care and attention they provide exceeds expectations. I go to class every morning knowing that I have their full backing and support. Lessons are broken down into very simple and concise parts, our nursing labs are fully equipped with state of the art tools and our lesson plans are setup to match the current needs of the work force.

    The students are very welcoming and ready to interact. I have made friends who have become family. The multicultural environment made settling in a lot easier. Finding my way around during the first few weeks of admission was no problem because staff are always ready to direct you to your destination.

    I am happy I made The Gordon my study destination; I could not have had it any better.

    Yakubu Daffi

    The Gordon Institute of TAFE was a study destination that I decided on hesitantly. Being a TAFE, I felt the practical approach and real experience would help me further my studies and career path.

  • Yakubu

    The Gordon

    “I am happy I made the Gordon Institute of TAFE my study destination; I could not have had it any better. Being a TAFE, I felt the practical approach and real experience would help me further my studies and career path.

    The teachers are a great asset. The amount of care and attention they provide exceeds expectations. I go to class every morning knowing that I have their full backing and support. Lessons are broken down into very simple and concise parts, our nursing labs are fully equipped with state of the art tools and our lesson plans are set up to match the current needs of the workforce.

    The students are very welcoming and ready to interact. I have made friends who have become family. The multicultural environment made settling in a lot easier. Finding my way around during the first few weeks of admission was no problem because staff are always ready to direct you to your destination.”

    Yakubu Daffi
    Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled-Division 2 nursing)


    “I am happy I made the Gordon Institute of TAFE my study destination; I could not have had it any better. Being a TAFE, I felt the practical...

  • Nima


    In August 2020 Nima undertook an online English language course with DUELI to prepare him for his PhD at Deakin University Waurn Ponds campus. Participating in DUELI course helped him to start a new chapter in his research journey as a PhD and research student in order to advance his professional activity and align it with artificial intelligence and machine learning. DUELI was a bridge to enter this stage. In particular, he enjoyed the small group interaction, which gave him confidence when speaking English with his peers. The course did more than improve his English though. It also helped him make friends, familiarised him with living in Geelong and prepared him for the move in January. Prior to this he and his wife (Katayoon) knew little about Geelong but were pleasantly surprised by how beautiful and picturesque the city is. “Geelong has great amenities, a beautiful beach and harbor, good restaurants and cafes, and the incredibly kind local people of different cultures from all over the world (multicultural city)” said Nima.

    Nima promenade

    Nima waterfront  

    Figure 1. Geelong beautiful beach in summer and autumn.

     “The city's public transportation is another positive intersection, making it easy to get to and from the surrounding cities and Melbourne, as well as easy access to the city's suburbs. There are also many natural and recreational places around Geelong that can be visited” said Nima.

    Nima Canoe

    Nima tree

    Figure 2. Exciting entertainments around Geelong

    Nima horse

    Figure 3. Visit the farms around Geelong.

    “In addition, the facilities at Deakin are terrific, we enjoy participating in extracurricular activities such as football and Volleyball. Joining numerous student clubs helped me to increase my friendship” said Nima.

    Nima Deakin exercise pics

    Figure 4. A part of sports facilities of Deakin University Waurn Ponds campus

    Nima and his wife (Katayoon) arrived in Melbourne from Iran in September 2019, as the top student (master’s degree in geotechnical engineering) at Tehran Polytechnic University with more than 6 years of experience in civil engineering and geotechnics in Iran. In his third week in Melbourne, he began working in his specialty, Geotechnical Engineering, as a Technical Geotechnical Officer and senior geotechnical engineer at La Trobe University, where he worked for 15 months prior to enrolling at Deakin University. During Corona's difficult days, he worked voluntarily to help his team and students. He is currently undertaking his PhD at Deakin in Geotechnical and also working as a senior laboratory manager at Federation University, Gippsland. He hopes to expand his work opportunities and improve his application of learning to assist Deakin in their research.

    Nima work 

    Figure 5. Work experience at La Trobe University


    In August 2020 Nima undertook an online English language course with DUELI to prepare him for his PhD at Deakin University Waurn Ponds campus. Participating in DUELI course...

  • Apinya

    Deakin English Language Institute (DUELI)

    Hear from former DUELI student Apinya how studying English in Geelong helped her realise undertaking her PhD.


    Hear from former DUELI student Apinya how studying English in Geelong helped her realise undertaking her PhD.