It was very overwhelming to come study in Australia. However, Kardinia and all the teachers helped me to get through all the challenges.
As an overseas students in Kardinia, the school has always been helping me since the first day I came here. They helped me get used to this new environment with their advices. There is an oversea student- coordinator to look after the oversea students. I am pleased that I can always talk to her when I need help and she is always happy to give us a hand. Besides, the teachers are very nice and friendly. I remember when I first came here, they always asked me how I was which meant a lot to me because you can feel that you are part of the school and people are willing to help you out.
Geelong is a beautiful city and I really enjoy the life here. I like to go to have brunch with my friends on Pako or in town. There are many lovely restaurants and cafés in Geelong. Nevertheless, Geelong is located near beaches and I love to go to the beach in summer. It is a great idea to spend your summer on the beach.
I am glad that I have this opportunity to study in Kardinia, everyone is very friendly and happy help you. I also enjoy the atmosphere here, Kardinia is a place where you can make a lot of friends and indeed, to learn.
WONG Yi Man (Alexa)
作為一個海外學生, 感到緊張是無可避免的,幸好Kardinia每位同學和老師都會不厭其煩地幫助我,好讓我們有一愉快的校園生活。在Kardina, 有一位國際學生輔導員去管理和照顧學生的需要。當我遇到問題是我也會去尋求她的協助。當遇上學習上的問題,老師也會很樂意利用他們的課外時間去幫助我們。
我感到十分榮幸可以為Kardinia 撰寫這篇文章同時也高興可以在Kardinia 就讀。我十分享受Kardinia 的學習氣氛和這裡的一切。